Ceramics Student

Membership FAQ

Student Membership

Student Membership is an additional option for students enrolled in the concurrent session’s multi-week ceramics class.

Student membership = open studio time / the ability to make work at home during the current class session. You must be currently enrolled in a class to gain access to open studio time / the ability to make work at home.

Eligible, currently enrolled students who would like access to open studio time or who would like to make work at home are required to become a STUDENT MEMBER.

    • Current students who have been attending classes for two sessions are eligible to become a student member for that particular quarter

    • Students must be able to work independently in our studio

    • Students must read, understand, and abide by our studio policies

  • $10.00 per session

  • A link will be sent out to eligible students registered in the following session.

    Example: Students registered in a class for the Spring 2025 session will receive a student membership email (with the checkout link) the first week of April.

  • Mondays-Fridays 24/7 outside of scheduled class times. Fridays always open. This schedule is subject to change quarterly

    No weekend access

  • Student members must purchase clay from Chases Garage DURING CLASS using the posted QR codes.

    Please have your teacher physically give you clay IN CLASS.

    • 25lb clay cost: $35.00 + ME state sales tax

  • Student members must pay firing fees

    • All firing fees will be invoiced quarterly

    • Firing Fee: $0.025 per cubic inch

    Some classes may include an allotted amount of cubic inches (firing fees) with registration. The specified amount will be automatically deducted from your quarterly total. Students may produce work totaling more than the allotted cubic inches; additional work will be subject to our $0.025 per cubic inch firing fee.

    • Access to member + student homepage

    • Access to our private instagram account

  • On our ceramics studio email contact list

    Will receive:

    • Monthly updates + announcements

    • Weather + studio closure emails

    • Quarterly class schedule

  • Will receive an individual key card to access the ceramics studio, through the ceramics studio door.

    $25.00 charge for lost, damaged, or unreturned cards